A Majority of Canadians are okay with Liberal deficits? We’ll have the run down on why this is bad and why it may not be true. Also, uneven media coverage in Saskatchewan and a first hand account of why refugees are coming illegally to Canada.

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Duration: 35:37
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

March 11th 2017 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , , , , , , ,

The Alberta NDP government throne speech goes to bat for pipelines, the Ironworkers union in BC supports the Liberals and attacks the NDP over a lack of jobs plan, and a look back at the refugee issue on our southern border.

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Duration: 33:10
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

The landmark free trade agreement between Canada and the EU has been ratified. Canada has an immigration problem on its southern border, poor economic news for Vegreville and discussion on motion 103 which condemns Islamophobia without defining it!

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Duration: 34:30

February 19th 2017 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , , , , , ,