Doug Ford calls for tariffs on Chinese EVs, an unknown group funds BC attack ads, and Bill C-59 reduces advertising transparency from companies. Also, Trudeau racks up a $223k catering bill on the Indo-Pacific trip.

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“It might be tough to connect with the middle class while chowing down on lamb shanks served on fine China and billing taxpayers for it. You shouldn’t need a focus group to recommend telling the prime minister to turn down the baked cheesecake with pistachio brittle when Canadians are lining up around the block at the foodbank.” – Canadian Taxpayers Federation Director Franco Terrazzano on Trudeau’s $220k catering bill for the Indo-Pacific trip.

Duration: 59:24
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

BC gets another credit downgrade, Alberta battles the federal government over municipal control, and Trudeau’s South-East Asia trip cost $2M. Also, the CSIS director testifies that the Trudeau government did know about foreign interference.

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“I guess one way to beat the high cost of groceries in Canada is to take a government work trip and bill taxpayers for fancy airplane food.” – Canadian Taxpayers Federation Federal Director Franco Terrazzano on Trudeau’s lavish diplomatic trips around the world.

Duration: 51:55
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

April 14th 2024 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , ,

A majority of Canada’s premiers align against Trudeau’s carbon tax, BC sees open drug use in hospitals, and Edmonton’s rolling blackouts show Alberta’s energy vulnerabilities. Also, MP Han Dong’s testimony shows the extent of Chinese foreign interference.

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“I was deeply troubled that I was exposed and the government doesn’t seem to care. And now I have learned they knew all about it. It is almost like I was drowning, and they were watching. In my view the buck stops with the Prime Minister. He let me down.” – Former Conservative MP Kenny Chiu on the foreign interference from China that caused him to lose his seat.

Duration: 55:49
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

The Liberals’ new online harms act includes heavy punishments, Alberta’s 2024 budget contains surprises, and the new pharmacare plan covers very little medications. Also, new documents reveal more on the Winnipeg lab scientist firings.

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“There’s a genuine fear of an escalation, then an individual or group could come forward and seek a peace bond against them and to prevent them from doing certain things. [The pre-emptive house arrest] would help to deradicalize people who are learning things online and acting out in the real world violently – sometimes fatally.” – Liberal Justice Minister Arif Virani on his government’s plan to house arrest people before they commit crimes.

Duration: 1:03:32
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

March 3rd 2024 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , ,

Bell lays off more workers and asks for more money, a recall petition starts for Calgary’s mayor Jyoti Gondek, and Selina Robinson is removed from the BC NDP’s cabinet. Also, suspicious HSBC mortgages are fuelling the real estate crisis.

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Bell: Lets Cut
“This is a radical change. With these proposed amendments, they are moving to give actual rights of First Nations governance over non-First Nations parties. That’s different than Indigenous self-government and to my knowledge, it’s the first time it has been contemplated anywhere in Canada.” – Robin Junger, a lawyer specializing in indigenous law with McMillan LLP in response to the BC government’s plan to reform the Lands Act.

Duration: 56:32
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

February 11th 2024 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , , ,

A terrorist shoots up Edmonton City Hall, car thefts spike in Canada, and a federal court judge finds the use of the Emergencies Act unjustified. Also, a paper mill closing on Vancouver Island leads to investigation into a Chinese funded forestry giant.

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“The harassment of residents, workers and business owners in downtown Ottawa and the general infringement of the right to peaceful enjoyment of public spaces there, while highly objectionable, did not amount to serious violence or threats of serious violence.” – Justice Richard Mosley on the legal assessment of the 2022 Freedom Convoy in Downtown Ottawa.

Duration: 1:07:22
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

January 28th 2024 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , , ,

Speaker Greg Fergus’ impartiality is put to question, COP28 highlights the opposition to Canada’s new emissions cap, and the BC NDP finish 2023 with a divided opposition. Also, the mainstream media completely ignores the foreign interference inquiry.

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Poilievre Trudeau Fergus
“Why would you rule out anything in politics? A week can be a long time in politics. Certainly, if the United Party were to reach out and want to have a discussion about how we could bring things together, I think it’s possible. With the [BC] Conservative party, we will not compromise on our principles. We’ll not compromise on the values that we are running on. We’re willing to sit down and have a conversation. I’ve never said we wouldn’t. The challenge would be, of course, they have a very different view in terms of how the world works compared to us.” – BC Conservative Leader John Rustad on possibly working with BC United’s Kevin Falcon to defeat the NDP.

Duration: 59:35
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

December 10th 2023 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , , , ,

Canada finally launches the public inquiry on foreign interference, BC experiences severe drought conditions, and Alberta’s First Nations are grappling with drug-related deaths. Also, we added 40,000 jobs and 100,000 people in August.

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Chapman Lake
“We’ve lived through [a severe drought] once [before] and we saw the damage it did. We’re hoping the authorities can get on the bandwagon that food and water should be prioritized. As we’re going deeper and deeper in climate change and experiencing those deeper weather changes … it might be a disincentive for future generations coming into [the farming] business, because it will be harder and harder to make a living.” – Sunshine Coast farmer Mel Sylvestre on new water restrictions for everyone, including farmers.

Duration: 48:25
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

September 10th 2023 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , ,

An ex-RCMP officer is charged with using information to help China, Alberta’s health minister has a mandate to review and reform AHS, and Canada is committed to the digital services tax. Also, Steven Guilbeault continues to attack the oil and gas sector.

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“If it wasn’t clear before, it is now. The Trudeau government doesn’t want to just reduce emissions in our energy sector, they want to completely shut down our energy sector.” – Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe on new revelations about a federal emission cap.

Duration: 1:03:02
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

July 23rd 2023 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , , , ,

The Bank of Canada raises interest rates again, a conference on LNG takes place in Vancouver, and Edmonton’s mayor pleads for bail reform. Also, Toronto’s new mayor Olivia Chow was helped by pro-China groups.

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“We don’t live in a bubble here on the West Coast. What happens in Asia happens to us. We must work with Asian countries to help them reduce their GHG emissions while we build our own decarbonized economy. This means providing them with low to zero-carbon alternatives to the energy they currently depend upon.” – Haisla First Nation Chief Crystal Smith on the need to develop Canadian LNG projects.

Duration: 1:03:02
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

July 16th 2023 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , , ,