ArriveCan contractors receive over $1B in federal contracts, Alberta will decentralize AHS at the end of the year, and cyberattacks threaten the BC government’s storage of information. Also, illegal border crossers can be given up to $224 per day.

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“What is particularly shocking is… nothing is being done at CBSA. On the contrary, people that admit openly that they’ve breached the basic code of conduct as civil servants are now being promoted. That’s scary.” Bloc MP Nathalie Sinclair-Desgagné on the CBSA misconduct with ArriveCan contractors.

Duration: 50:25
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

May 19th 2024 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , , ,

The Safe Third Country Agreement is ruled unconstitutional, the military warned the government about Covid-19 on Jan 17th, and only one returning ISIS fighter is subject to criminal charges. Also, Bill Morneau forgets to pay for a $41,000 WE Charity vacation.

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Duration: 53:26
Hosts: Shane and Patrick


July 26th 2020 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , ,

The coronavirus arrives at Trudeau’s house, Saudi Arabia begins an oil price war, and illegal migrants receive free 20 year healthcare coverage from the government. Also, a study of the SNC Lavalin scandal gets quashed while the RCMP may be investigating.

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Duration: 41:22
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

Justin and Sophie Trudeau

A northern BC murder spree leads to social media hoaxes, the new Calgary arena proposal will cost taxpayers, and Gerald Butts returns to Trudeau’s team, if he ever actually left. Also, a glowing report on Trudeau’s tenure leaves out all the negatives.

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Duration: 47:40
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

Cat Face Filter

Economic migrants are costing us almost $400M, GM is closing its auto plant in Oshawa, and Amarjeet Sohi “agrees” with pro-pipeline protestors. Also, Trudeau’s government stalls a probe into money laundering as a Liberal MP has a gambling problem.

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Duration: 48:43
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

GM Declining Sales

Uncertainty in New Brunswick after an election results in a minority, Grande Cache, Alberta votes to dissolve the town, and the federal government can’t do basic math on illegal migrant numbers. Also, we might be coming to an end on the NAFTA debacle.

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Duration: 52:13
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

Protesters clash at the Roxham Road illegal entry point and the media ignores it, an ISIS supporter fights deportation, and Alberta workers are tricked into joining unions. Meanwhile, one academic believes that the outdoors is too much of a white space.

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Duration: 44:50
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

The Media Documents "Far Right" ProtestsImage Credit: Faith Goldy (Twitter)

May 27th 2018 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , , ,

A new precedent setting Alberta law could restrict oil flow and erode the constitution, Vancouver wants to allow permanent residents to vote, and Quebec could see up to 146,000 illegal migrants this year. Also, a discussion on the definition of populism.

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Duration: 43:37
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

#Welcome to Canada caused illegal border crossings, John Horgan says that drivers won’t begrudge BC’s carbon tax increase, creative math skews Alberta’s fundraising numbers, and Trudeau’s BC and Fort Mac trip spreads fake news about his pipeline record.

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Duration: 44:04
Hosts: Shane and Patrick