Canada’s new disability benefit gets massively underfunded, Alberta will be getting municipal political parties, and a carjacker in Victoria gets caught and released several times. Also, Poilievre visits an anti-carbon tax protest.

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Axe the Tax Protest NB NS
“People believed his lies. Everything he said was bullshit, from top to bottom.” – Pierre Poilievre on Justin Trudeau’s administration 9 years later.

Duration: 50:06
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

April 28th 2024 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , ,

A majority of Canada’s premiers align against Trudeau’s carbon tax, BC sees open drug use in hospitals, and Edmonton’s rolling blackouts show Alberta’s energy vulnerabilities. Also, MP Han Dong’s testimony shows the extent of Chinese foreign interference.

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“I was deeply troubled that I was exposed and the government doesn’t seem to care. And now I have learned they knew all about it. It is almost like I was drowning, and they were watching. In my view the buck stops with the Prime Minister. He let me down.” – Former Conservative MP Kenny Chiu on the foreign interference from China that caused him to lose his seat.

Duration: 55:49
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

The Conservative non confidence motion against Trudeau fails, the Liberals want to move the election date, and the Alberta NDP does not legally exist. Also, the RCMP warns that Canadians may revolt against the government.

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Poilievre Axe The Tax
“I think Canadians are … just going to ask the obvious question: ‘Why do we have to bump it a week back and not a week early?’ Canadians have every right to believe that this looks like the government is pushing back the election so more MPs can take a very lucrative taxpayer-funded pension.” – Franco Terrazzano, the federal director of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation on the ‘suspicious’ election day change.

Duration: 49:33
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

March 24th 2024 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , ,

Liberal MPs bar the RCMP from speaking in committee on SNC Lavalin, security costs for protecting Trudeau continue to rise, and the BC NDP puts limits on short term rentals. Also, Trudeau partially flip flops on the carbon tax on home heating oil.

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“A flailing, desperate Trudeau is now flipping and flopping on the carbon tax as I am holding a gigantic axe the tax rally in a Liberal-held Atlantic riding. He is admitting he’s not worth the cost.” – Pierre Poilievre on the abrupt Liberal turn on carbon pricing.

Duration: 1:04:34
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

October 29th 2023 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , ,

More Canadians are skeptical of the carbon tax’s effectiveness, Alberta and Ottawa have different timelines on net zero, and federal ministers pay lip service to housing woes. Also, the judicial system is becoming more political.

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energy graphs cold weather
“If people are asking us to slash, what does that mean? Does that mean slashing the skilled workers that we need to actually build those houses? Slash family reunification, which can be devastating for the mental health and well-being of the families that are already here?” Immigration Minister Marc Miller, responding to questions of reducing immigration to ease housing concerns.

Duration: 52:22
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

August 13th 2023 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , ,

The UCP responds to an increase in crime, BC Chinese organizations report to the Chinese consulate, and Canada’s low defence spending benchmark is criticized by NATO. Also, Steven Guilbeault admits the carbon tax will take money from the average Canadian.

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“When both fiscal and economic impacts of the federal fuel charge are considered, we estimate that most households will see a net loss. Based on our analysis, most households will pay more in fuel charges and GST—as well as receiving slightly lower incomes—than they will receive in Climate Action Incentive payments.” – Parliamentary Budget Officer Yves Giroux on the Liberal carbon tax plan costing Canadians.

Duration: 53:30
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

The Conservatives unveil their climate plan, the Liberal convention shows how far they have shifted, and BC’s throne speech stays the course. Also, the international media tears into Trudeau’s vaccine rollout and coins the term “Tru-Anons”.

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Duration: 56:14
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

Canada Featured on CNN
“It’s really important we work from facts.” – Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on CNN Jake Tapper’s story criticizing the Canadian government’s vaccine rollout.

April 18th 2021 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , ,

A doctor finds that Canada’s care home response is the worst in the world, BC imposes new taxes on a struggling populace, and Alberta introduces an updated modern education curriculum. Also, John Horgan blames young people for the rise of the 3rd wave.

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Duration: 1:03:03
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

Gas 149.9
“Education, job loss, our mental health — we’re seeing that it’s young people putting themselves at risk every day to keep our province working. But we’re still getting the blame at the end of the day and being told not to ‘blow it for the rest of us. I think it’s important the Premier apologize, not just because it’s not backed up by data, but because young people have given so, so much.” – UBC New Democrats President Justin Kulik on BC Premier John Horgan’s comments blaming 20-39s for the virus spike.

April 4th 2021 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , ,

CP Rail looks to create a transcontinental rail route, the Supreme Court rules the federal carbon tax to be constitutional, and the auditor general blasts Trudeau’s infrastructure plans. Also, the media calls Conservatives climate deniers.

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Duration: 57:38
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

Erin O'Toole
“We’ve now fought and lost two elections against a carbon tax because voters did not think we were serious about addressing climate change. And I will not allow 338 candidates to defend against the lie from the Liberals that we are a party of climate change deniers. We will have a plan to address climate change.” – Conservative Party of Canada Leader, Erin O’Toole

Trudeau quadruples the carbon tax to $170 per tonne by 2030, invests in hydrogen and nuclear energy, while the Alberta government links K-2 music education to history. Also, concerns over appropriation with the Canucks logo can be put to rest.

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Duration: 1:05:51
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

Holtby Canucks Mask

via Twitter

December 20th 2020 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , , , , ,