Canada’s new disability benefit gets massively underfunded, Alberta will be getting municipal political parties, and a carjacker in Victoria gets caught and released several times. Also, Poilievre visits an anti-carbon tax protest.

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Axe the Tax Protest NB NS
“People believed his lies. Everything he said was bullshit, from top to bottom.” – Pierre Poilievre on Justin Trudeau’s administration 9 years later.

Duration: 50:06
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

April 28th 2024 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , ,

Maryam Monsef refers to the Taliban as ‘our brothers’, A Chinese shipyard is building Canadian ships, and BC institutes a vaccine passport and mandatory masks. Also, Twitter labels a Chrystia Freeland tweet of O’Toole as being ‘manipulated media’.

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Duration: 53:18
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

Manipulated Media
“I want to take this opportunity to speak with our brothers, the Taliban. We call on you to ensure the safe and secure passage of any individual in Afghanistan out of the country. We call on you to immediately stop the violence, the genocide, the femicide, the destruction of infrastructure, including heritage buildings” – Liberal Minister of Women and Gender Equality Maryam Monsef on the crisis in Afghanistan.

Surprising topics arise during the Alberta NDP convention, Victoria council cancels Canada Day celebrations, and a third of Green MPs cross the floor to the Liberals. Also, Trudeau faces a complicated relationship with both the US and China.

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Duration: 51:34
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

G7 Summit Cornwall
“Is Canada prepared to stand up for the Australians who are subject to hostage diplomacy as we expect the Australians to stand up for our Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor? Are we prepared to actually engage in programming which will displease the Chinese government in concert with our allies? Or do we want to leave this to other powers and hope that if Canada stands relatively neutral, that we will be able to protect our market position in China?” – Former Canadian diplomat Charles Burton on dealing with the Chinese government.

June 13th 2021 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , , , ,

ICBC gives back a rebate average of $190 per driver, the media thinks Jason Kenney enables conspiracies, and saving for a house has never been more difficult. Also Canada’s vaccine rate is falling fast while Trudeau says to trust his plan.

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Duration: 50:05
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

“1.8 million British Columbians have received this pandemic benefit. I appreciate that 300,000 people is a lot of people, but again, without a calculator, I think we can all appreciate that 1.8 million is a lot more.” – BC Premier John Horgan

February 7th 2021 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , , , ,

Political ads are banned on social media, the CBC tries to discredit The Post Millennial, and tax audits in the BC housing market uncover criminal elements. Also, China bans meat imports from Canada and journalists don’t connect the dots with Huawei.

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Duration: 44:21
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

Trudeau G20 Bolsonaro

June 30th 2019 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , , , , , , , , ,

CTV stands behind their reported allegations of Patrick Brown despite inconsistencies, BC is raising the minimum wage again, and the ATB reports that the Alberta economy could be better. Also, we detail the Boushie case, and settle the record on acquittals.

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Duration: 55:15
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

Canadian oil is discounted due to lack of transport, a BC court case reveals immigration loopholes, a far right group attends Trudeau’s town hall to the delight of the CBC, and a fake hijab cutting incident sparks a rapid condemnation of Islamophobia.

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Duration: 43:54
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

January 21st 2018 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , , , , , , ,

The BC NDP government goes ahead with Site C, an article about Jason Kenney contradicts facts, the federal government continues to ignore veterans and benefits for those with disabilities, and used jet purchases and the danger of progressive trade policy.

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Duration: 48:08
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

An Alberta NDP bill creating a new timezone is defeated, the BC NDP replace big money donations with taxpayer money, the feds’ small business tax changes affect millions of Canadians, and a fake story from Victoria garners international media outrage.

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Duration: 40:47
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

September 24th 2017 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , ,