BC Premier David Eby is frustrated about immigration, a former Alberta NDP cabinet minister resigns, and Eby may join Newfoundland and Labrador’s premier against equalization. Also, Russian, US and Canadian warships all take a trip to Cuba.

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HMCS Margaret Brooke
“Building out the Massey Tunnel — here’s a $4-billion project where a federal government minister took out a full-page ad to say the feds are going to pay for it, during the election. [The current funding is] Zero right now. Zero. Taxpayers in B.C. can’t afford to build everything for the federal government, so that they can just rain cash down on Ontario and Quebec.” – BC Premier David Eby on unfair federal funding and equalization.

Duration: 55:08
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

June 16th 2024 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , ,

The Tk’emlups First Nation changes wording from mass graves to anomalies, conscription is proposed to fix Canada’s lack of patriotism, and Canada Post is losing around $1B annually. Also, Trudeau’s immigration policy is changing the future of Canada.

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“I stick with what I said. We’re tired of lawlessness from anyone. It doesn’t matter if you’re here, you’re new or whatever. It’s very, very clear. My phone is blowing up from every community saying, ‘You’re bang on’.” – Ontario Premier Doug Ford on what almost every Canadian is thinking after recent immigration strife.

Duration: 57:14
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

June 2nd 2024 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , ,

Parks Canada is spending $12M to eradicate deer on a BC island, the Trudeau Liberals want to relax citizenship guidelines, and the BC United and BC Conservatives won’t be making a deal. Also, the CPP has wasted billions of dollars through poor investing.

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“During phase one of the deer cull, snipers were taken around the island in a helicopter while firing on the deer below. The expert marksmen from the U.S. and New Zealand only managed to kill 84 deer, 18 of which were the wrong species of deer. Parks Canada shouldn’t be flying in foreign snipers to shoot deer from a helicopter. And if these ‘marksmen’ were really so elite, why did they keep shooting the wrong kind of deer?” – Carson Binda with the Canadian Taxpayers Federation on the Sidney Island deer eradication operation costing $12M.

Duration: 50:26
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

May 26th 2024 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , , , ,

Calgary repeals the single-use plastic ban, the Woodfibre LNG ‘floatel’ is rejected by Squamish council, and immigration is not filling the industries it needs to. Also, the CBC talks about polyamory while Canada’s fertility rate plummets.

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“The floatel is a direct response to requests from the District of Squamish and the Squamish Nation and members of the community over a consultation process that went on for several years about housing our project workforce outside of the community. From the beginning [we have] been committed to minimizing impacts on the community of Squamish [including the top concerns [of] impacts on traffic, housing, impacts on community services.” – Woodfibre LNG President Christine Kennedy on addressing the concerns the project would have on Squamish.

Duration: 1:02:02
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

May 12th 2024 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , , ,

Canada’s cold snap raises questions of BC Hydro’s future, Rachel Notley is stepping down as Alberta’s NDP leader, and even Liberal ministers agree that immigration is out of control. Also, an opinion piece questions Poilievre’s commitment to queer issues.

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“I’m a bit of a polarizing figure in the province.” – Outgoing Alberta NDP leader Rachel Notley on part of the reason why she is leaving.

Duration: 1:10:46
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

January 21st 2024 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , , ,

Trudeau’s Jamaica vacation causes a conflict of interest, Canada’s immigration isn’t helping the job market, and Banff’s pedestrian zone gets nixed by the National Park. Also, a Victoria theatre cancels a play set in Israel after being vandalized.

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“We thank those of you who have expressed your convictions, and we are listening. We value and respect these conversations in our community. We have been having many complex conversations about the production, its content, and its impact on the community. We are taking time to reflect on how best to move forward and will make an announcement in the new year.” – The Belfry Theatre on cancelling a play set in Israel and Gaza

Duration: 58:11
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

January 14th 2024 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , , , ,

Canada’s population increases like never before, the CBC writes fake news about Deena Hinshaw, and the Trudeau Liberals phase out gas car sales by 2035. Also, an investigation into Yuen Pau Woo reveals our cabinet may be compromised.

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“Yes, we’ve seen some people leave the province in their inter-provincial migration but overall, the growth in population that we’ve seen in the last quarter but [also] over the last two years is history-making given that the growth is driven by people coming from outside Canada. People are coming, they see opportunity here [and] they’re coming.” – BC Housing Minister Ravi Kahlon on immigration to BC.

Duration: 54:51
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

December 24th 2023 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , ,

Alberta’s throne speech contains a few surprises, BC makes Holocaust education mandatory, and Alberta looks to overhaul auto insurance. Also, the Trudeau Liberals refuse to cut immigration targets.

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“If we really want to fight hate in this province, if we really want to stand up to antisemitism, it is critical that we learn from the past. We know how threats and hate can accelerate into violent acts and into horrific outcomes. We must ensure that the same horrors are not repeated. When we say ‘never again’ in relation to the Holocaust, we mean it.” – Premier David Eby on BC’s introduction of mandatory Holocaust education.

Duration: 53:46
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

November 5th 2023 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , ,

BC’s economic future looks unstable, Alberta experiences record population growth, and Justin Trudeau isn’t giving his cabinet ministers mandate letters. Also, a post by Pierre Poilievre about First Nations gets misrepresented by the Liberals and media.

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Pierre Poilievre 2023 Truth and Reconciliation Day
“I speak for myself as an aboriginal, I’m not a people of pain, we want businesses, we want to own homes, we want to get ahead with our own independence, we don’t want government handouts.” – Elder Manitok Thompson on a positive future for Indigenous People in Canada.

Duration: 52:20
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

October 8th 2023 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , ,

Danielle Smith promises to not raise taxes, the public service strike blocks key infrastructure, and Rachel Notley is silent on nuclear power. Also, the media decides that questioning immigration policy is no longer racist.

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“With a steady and low corporate tax rate that I can bank on, I can plan for the future and make long-term decisions to ensure my business can keep adding to Alberta’s economy, creating jobs, supporting my community, and keeping this province strong for the next generation.” – Ana Zagorac, owner of Sweet Rhapsody Bakery Cafe and Patisserie on the importance of a positive investment climate.

Duration: 49:51
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

April 30th 2023 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , ,