The Premiers’ meeting delivers a united message to Trudeau, the public service has grown far faster than Canada’s population, and John Rustad has a plan to fix BC’s healthcare crisis. Also, Randy Boissonnault is in hot water again.

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Premiers Conference July 2024
“[Trudeau] is delivering worse service.You can’t get anyone on the phone at CRA. Incredible delays just to get a passport. And the federal government is not delivering any services that it wasn’t delivering before. In other words, after nine years of Trudeau, Canadians are paying more for bureaucracy to get less in service.” – Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre on the decay of services in Canada.

Duration: 48:28
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

July 21st 2024 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , ,

BC Premier David Eby is frustrated about immigration, a former Alberta NDP cabinet minister resigns, and Eby may join Newfoundland and Labrador’s premier against equalization. Also, Russian, US and Canadian warships all take a trip to Cuba.

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HMCS Margaret Brooke
“Building out the Massey Tunnel — here’s a $4-billion project where a federal government minister took out a full-page ad to say the feds are going to pay for it, during the election. [The current funding is] Zero right now. Zero. Taxpayers in B.C. can’t afford to build everything for the federal government, so that they can just rain cash down on Ontario and Quebec.” – BC Premier David Eby on unfair federal funding and equalization.

Duration: 55:08
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

June 16th 2024 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , ,

Saskatchewan strives to be a nation within a nation, young Canadians are feeling disillusioned and unattached to Canada, and Alberta unveils its hydrogen roadmap. Also, the Trudeau government has created an immigration and refugee housing crisis.

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The Milch Cow
“I think we are seeing a period of time in this country where younger generations are feeling incredible frustration over a number of things that are gripping society today…. They see nothing but problems, nothing but challenge, nothing but lack of equity and fairness. And they’re very angry about that.” – Shachi Kurl, president of the Angus Reid Institute, on young people’s disposition towards Canada.

Duration: 47:52
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

November 14th 2021 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , ,

Alberta rejects permanent summer time and equalization, Margaret Trudeau speaks at an event by a company lobbying the government, and Saskatchewan approves of Regeneron to treat COVID. Also, we look at just how money laundering affects BC real estate.

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“A clear majority of Albertans have sent a powerful, democratic message: They want a fair deal in the federation. These results have given Alberta’s government a powerful mandate to secure changes to equalization and other federal transfers that have treated Albertans unfairly for so long. Our message is clear: Ottawa must respect Alberta and the huge role we play in Canada’s economic prosperity.” — Premier Jason Kenney reacting to the results of Alberta’s Equalization Referendum.

Duration: 54:06
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

October 31st 2021 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , , , ,

Alberta shows us that referendums are not just symbolic, Huawei sponsors a Chinese cultural event in BC, and we look at municipal elections in Edmonton and Calgary. Also, inflation on groceries and natural gas is here to stay.

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Huawei Event
“A lot of people in finance are learning that the most important word in the English language is ‘transitory,’…How confident are you that [this inflation] really is transitory, because if you took a poll of smart people in finance … you’d probably get 50% saying it probably is and 50% saying it probably isn’t.” – U.S. Council on Foreign Relations member Roger Altman, to Bank of Canada governor Tiff Macklem.

Duration: 1:02:26
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

October 10th 2021 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , , , ,

Singh and O’Toole battle for BC’s votes, Alberta will vote on equalization and DST in the fall, and the Green Party goes through a civil war. Also, we detail the untold stories of the pandemic: overdoses, comorbidities and more.

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Duration: 55:13
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

Parties Colourized 2021“Any time we talk about big infrastructure, there has to be a commitment that the infrastructure is made with Canadian products, Canadian steel, Canadian aluminum. The Liberals have talked about a high-speed train. They’ve never mentioned once that they’re going to use Canadian products in a high-speed train,” -NDP leader Jagmeet Singh on his not quite “Buy Canadian” strategy

Canada has its first Indigenous Governor General, pressure mounts from the US to open the border, and federal support for passenger rail lines is announced. Also, Erin O’Toole has lots of ideas to solve the equalization problem once and for all.

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Duration: 57:10
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

Erin O'Toole Fair Deal Alberta“[We will] truly make Alberta prosperous again and take away the limits that the Trudeau Liberal government has put on your growth… Conservatives will treat the energy sector as a key driver of Canada’s economy and leverage our environmental and social governance leadership as a competitive advantage to secure our future.” – Conservative Leader Erin O’Toole on his plan to secure a fair deal for Alberta.

Alberta wraps up a successful spring session, CBC is turning off Facebook comments, and Trudeau paid more for less in buying vaccines. Also, our Public Health Agency is held in contempt of Parliament as the Trudeau government covers up more and more.

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Duration: 48:31
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

“It’s one thing for our journalists to deal with toxicity on these platforms. It’s another for our audience members who try to engage with and discuss our journalism to encounter it on platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, where they are almost guaranteed to be confronted by hate, racism and abuse.” – CBC editor in Chief Brodie Fenlon on the fabricated dangers of free speech

A supposed reformed terrorist is granted day parole, Alberta might become a have-not province, and the Trudeau government is covering up which companies are receiving billions in pandemic aid. Also, Trudeau invites Chinese troops to train at Canadian bases.

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Duration: 1:00:21
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

People's Liberation Army Training

December 13th 2020 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , , , ,

We look at how Alberta pays Quebec’s bills, the mystery of markups in BC gas prices, and Alberta taking steps to take care of themselves. Also, we look at the firing of Don Cherry on Remembrance Day, and the attack on our Canadian culture.

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Duration: 57:33
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

Alberta Quebec Equalization

November 17th 2019 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , , , ,