The Tk’emlups First Nation changes wording from mass graves to anomalies, conscription is proposed to fix Canada’s lack of patriotism, and Canada Post is losing around $1B annually. Also, Trudeau’s immigration policy is changing the future of Canada.

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“I stick with what I said. We’re tired of lawlessness from anyone. It doesn’t matter if you’re here, you’re new or whatever. It’s very, very clear. My phone is blowing up from every community saying, ‘You’re bang on’.” – Ontario Premier Doug Ford on what almost every Canadian is thinking after recent immigration strife.

Duration: 57:14
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

June 2nd 2024 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , ,

A supposed reformed terrorist is granted day parole, Alberta might become a have-not province, and the Trudeau government is covering up which companies are receiving billions in pandemic aid. Also, Trudeau invites Chinese troops to train at Canadian bases.

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Duration: 1:00:21
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

People's Liberation Army Training

December 13th 2020 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , , , ,

The Liberals quietly cut military health spending, non Canadian citizens end up on the voting list, and a visible cell phone induces distracted driving tickets from police. Also, the CBC sue the Conservatives over copyright, inviting partisan criticisms.

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Duration: 1:02:23
Hosts: Shane and Patrick