Singh and O’Toole battle for BC’s votes, Alberta will vote on equalization and DST in the fall, and the Green Party goes through a civil war. Also, we detail the untold stories of the pandemic: overdoses, comorbidities and more.

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Duration: 55:13
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

Parties Colourized 2021“Any time we talk about big infrastructure, there has to be a commitment that the infrastructure is made with Canadian products, Canadian steel, Canadian aluminum. The Liberals have talked about a high-speed train. They’ve never mentioned once that they’re going to use Canadian products in a high-speed train,” -NDP leader Jagmeet Singh on his not quite “Buy Canadian” strategy

Surprising topics arise during the Alberta NDP convention, Victoria council cancels Canada Day celebrations, and a third of Green MPs cross the floor to the Liberals. Also, Trudeau faces a complicated relationship with both the US and China.

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Duration: 51:34
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

G7 Summit Cornwall
“Is Canada prepared to stand up for the Australians who are subject to hostage diplomacy as we expect the Australians to stand up for our Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor? Are we prepared to actually engage in programming which will displease the Chinese government in concert with our allies? Or do we want to leave this to other powers and hope that if Canada stands relatively neutral, that we will be able to protect our market position in China?” – Former Canadian diplomat Charles Burton on dealing with the Chinese government.

June 13th 2021 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , , , ,

Trudeau survives a confidence vote amid billions in further spending, the federal government delays yet another pipeline, and BC’s premier gives faulty advice on mail in voting. Also, we profile anti-Semitism in the Green Party of Canada.

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Duration: 47:06
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

Aniname Paul

October 4th 2020 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , ,

The Green Party wins a federal by-election, the Alberta media tries to drive a wedge on abortion, and we find out that money laundering is way worse than we thought. Also, the Mark Norman case reaches an end with implications for the Trudeau government.

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Duration: 44:40
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

Mark Norman

Elizabeth May is accused of bullying; her party says she wouldn’t be if she were a man, the BC and Alberta governments spar over Trans Mountain, ICBC losing 1.3B will cost drivers more in insurance, and we detail the federal government’s drinking problem.

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Duration: 44:12
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

The Wildrose and PC Party of Alberta agree to form the United Conservative Party. Andrew Weaver in BC reveals his demands. Trudeau begins shifting away power from the west with the NEB. And time spent this summer on unnecessary apologies.

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Duration: 37:19
Hosts: Shane and Patrick