Edmonton unemployment numbers drop but not for a good reason, Horgan’s office hypocritically deletes emails, and questions about a former ISIS executioner are called divisive by Trudeau. Also, we explore the media’s latest fascination with Stephen Harper.

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Duration: 40:57
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

Stephen Harper Photo

May 20th 2018 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , , , , , ,

Misinformation from the UCP convention’s proposed flat tax doesn’t use true economics, and red herrings about GSA’s created fake news. Also, Trudeau apologizes for 80 year old wrongs for Jews, and forgets his progressive agenda with the Ugandan president.

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Duration: 47:39
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

May 11th 2018 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , , , , ,

Marijuana health concerns cause the Senate to delay legislation, Edmonton transit budgets soar while ridership stays flat, the new BC NDP employer health tax will raise property taxes, and the CBSA is muzzled as more illegal migrants cross the border.

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Duration: 47:39
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

May 6th 2018 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , , , , ,

The BC NDP isn’t giving info on the electoral referendum, the U of A gives an honorary degree to David Suzuki, and the federal government blacks out the cost of a carbon tax. Also, the federal government is funding groups that want to stop Trans Mountain.

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Duration: 42:36
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

A new precedent setting Alberta law could restrict oil flow and erode the constitution, Vancouver wants to allow permanent residents to vote, and Quebec could see up to 146,000 illegal migrants this year. Also, a discussion on the definition of populism.

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Duration: 43:37
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

We review the media’s shift of the Humboldt crash to gender and race politics, and the Alberta government’s ploy to gain political points on social issues. Also, Trans Mountain spending is halted, and how the pipeline debacle affects Canadian rule of law.

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Duration: 51:05
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

#Welcome to Canada caused illegal border crossings, John Horgan says that drivers won’t begrudge BC’s carbon tax increase, creative math skews Alberta’s fundraising numbers, and Trudeau’s BC and Fort Mac trip spreads fake news about his pipeline record.

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Duration: 44:04
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

The Alberta carbon tax takes from low income seniors, an erosion of national unity with the Trans Mountain pipeline, skewed articles about Trudeau’s failing poll numbers, and the media ignores Morneau calling opponents of his feminist budget neanderthals.

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Duration: 36:55
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

A 21 hour Parliament session protests the Atwal cover-up by the PMO, Alberta’s budget draws criticism for its rising debt, protests at Trans Mountain result in MPs’ arrests and work delays, and an important look at data-mining on social media.

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Duration: 49:39
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

Alberta could shut off oil to BC resulting in a market shock, Edmonton’s LRT project cost jumps by $440M, StatsCan reports 15k more jobs while ignoring 39k full time job losses, and Jagmeet Singh walks a fine line on political violence.

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Duration: 42:52
Hosts: Shane and Patrick