Irving is hiring foreign workers to build warships, Alberta media tries to change the topic from energy to climate change, and the BC repeat offender expert panel advocates for stronger mental health support. Also, ArriveCAN is no more.

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Irving Shipyard
“We have had government and industry officials repeatedly telling our committee about all the great jobs this program will create for Canadians. I find it very disappointing that after the tens of billions of dollars thrown to Irving for shipbuilding that they are not reaching across our country to recruit workers.” – Conservative MP Kelly McCauley on Irving Shipbuilding hiring foreign workers to build Canadian warships.

Duration: 55:45
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

September 25th 2022 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , , , ,

Russia’s actions show how important Canada’s Arctic is, BC spends $118M to support family doctors, and half of international students are still waiting for their visas. Also, an anti-semite is hired by the Trudeau government to preach anti-racism.

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HMCS KINGSTON participates in OP NANOOK 2018
“We have provided notice to the Community Media Advocacy Centre (CMAC) that their funding has been cut and their project has been suspended. We call on CMAC, an organization claiming to fight racism and hate in Canada to answer to how they came to hire Laith Marouf, and how they plan on rectifying the situation given the nature of his antisemitic and xenophobic comments.” – Minister of Housing and Diversity and Inclusion Ahmed Hussen, distancing himself from an anti-racism initiative that he personally endorsed.

Duration: 50:57
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

August 28th 2022 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , ,

A Rogers outage shows the need for telecom stability, Jean Charest promises a fair deal for Alberta, and the Premier’s summit provides no fix for healthcare. Also, Trudeau’s internet censorship Bill C-11 gets opposed by the US.

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Cash Only
“Alberta went through a tough time from 2014 onward, and there was no acknowledgement or recognition of that. It’s the federal government’s job to keep the country together and make sure every province is part of what we are planning and developing. And that’s not happening with the Trudeau government.” – Federal Conservative Leadership Candidate Jean Charest on Justin Trudeau’s division.

Duration: 50:38
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

July 17th 2022 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , , ,

A religion poll unintentionally drives a wedge on culture, Alberta energy rates are heavily impacted by the NDP carbon tax, and BC faces a critical shortage of nurses. Also, many MPs owning rental properties could be fueling the housing crisis.

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“Over the past years, we’ve seen a rise in hate crimes, a rise in intolerance and racist acts. Part of it is the pandemic, sure, and the stress and the anxiety that comes from that, but a part of it is a trend toward greater polarization in our politics, greater intolerance in our communities.” – Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s theory on the origin of Canadian hate crimes.

Duration: 58:10
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

Trudeau releases his 2022 budget, BC experiences an increase in crime, and the UCP makes healthcare changes. Also, the Newfoundland offshore oil project Bay du Nord has been approved.

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Chrystia Freeland Shoes
“The headline policy, a two-year ban on residential property purchases by foreigners, will have a negligible impact on home prices… We know from the pandemic period, when home prices escalated with virtually no foreign money, that our problem is made-in-Canada.” – Phil Soper, chief executive at Royal LePage on the housing affordability crisis.

Duration: 57:20
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

April 10th 2022 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , ,

Lifelabs healthcare workers go on strike in BC, new mayors are elected in Alberta, and the BC Liberals reject the leadership candidacy of Aaron Gunn. Also, Trudeau meets with the Tk’emlups Nation that he snubbed on Sept 30th, but was he really there?

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“I have never engaged in partisanship politics or have not engaged in personal attacks. And that is what I will absolutely continue to practice. So I look forward to working with the premier and his government.” – Edmonton Mayor Elect Amarjeet Sohi on working with the province.

Duration: 49:56
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

October 24th 2021 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , , , , ,

The Liberals threaten to call an election to keep their skeletons hidden, the UCP AGM shows the importance of grassroots democracy, and the China-funded Confucius Institute is defended by universities. Also, Trudeau overpaid $100M for ventilators.

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Duration: 44:46
Hosts: Shane and Patrick


October 24th 2020 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , , , ,

The Alberta media accuses Jason Kenney of stoking separatism, A BC ISIS supporter was almost released from custody, and Andrew Scheer unveils his healthcare guarantee. Also, shootings in Toronto lead to an unnecessary US-style gun control debate.

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Duration: 46:12
Hosts: Shane and Patrick


August 11th 2019 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , , , ,