ArriveCan contractors receive over $1B in federal contracts, Alberta will decentralize AHS at the end of the year, and cyberattacks threaten the BC government’s storage of information. Also, illegal border crossers can be given up to $224 per day.

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“What is particularly shocking is… nothing is being done at CBSA. On the contrary, people that admit openly that they’ve breached the basic code of conduct as civil servants are now being promoted. That’s scary.” Bloc MP Nathalie Sinclair-Desgagné on the CBSA misconduct with ArriveCan contractors.

Duration: 50:25
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

May 19th 2024 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , , ,

Steven Guilbeault says the feds will stop investing in roads, the Alberta government improves the childcare system, and BC suspends the license of a company that drives into highway overpasses. Also, ArriveCan costs even more money than we thought before.

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“The astonishing part is that the company thinks that they should still be able to operate. My only hope is that on the way to court, they don’t run into a bridge. I encourage them to take the bus or some other form of public transit on the way to the courthouse.” – BC Premier David Eby on the suspended trucking company Chohan Freight Forwarders Ltd. appealing the decision by the provincial government to suspend their license after numerous highway overpass impacts.

Duration: 56:32
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

February 18th 2024 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , ,

Danielle Smith becomes the new Premier of Alberta, BC is capping food delivery fees, and ArriveCan cost $54M to create. Also, a YouTube tag and MP swearing distract from Trudeau raising taxes again.

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“Canada and Alberta are in the midst of an inflation and affordability crisis that has been primarily caused by the fiscally destructive policies of the NDP coalition with the Liberals in Ottawa. When you flood the money supply with hundreds of billions in new spending and pursue policies that spike the price of energy and transportation, the result is crippling inflation that’s hurting a sizeable majority of Albertans.” – Alberta UCP Leader Danielle Smith and Premier-designate on the problems Alberta faces.

Duration: 52:14
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

October 9th 2022 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , ,

Irving is hiring foreign workers to build warships, Alberta media tries to change the topic from energy to climate change, and the BC repeat offender expert panel advocates for stronger mental health support. Also, ArriveCAN is no more.

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Irving Shipyard
“We have had government and industry officials repeatedly telling our committee about all the great jobs this program will create for Canadians. I find it very disappointing that after the tens of billions of dollars thrown to Irving for shipbuilding that they are not reaching across our country to recruit workers.” – Conservative MP Kelly McCauley on Irving Shipbuilding hiring foreign workers to build Canadian warships.

Duration: 55:45
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

September 25th 2022 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , , , ,

Danielle Smith’s leadership campaign could change the UCP and Alberta, BC Ferries fires its CEO after many cancelled sailings, and Trudeau pushes for a reduction in fertilizer usage. Also, glitches in the ArriveCAN app cause more delays for travellers.

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ArriveCan Pearson
“The app is something that is not efficient. It doesn’t make us any more safe. In fact, it could lead us to being less safe as we move to more automation as people are coming into our country. It’s worthless in terms of public safety. [The app is] also branding us as an unwelcoming destination. Our branding right now as a country of a destination is being destroyed.” NDP MP for Niagara West Brian Masse, on the failures of ArriveCAN.

Duration: 56:50
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

July 24th 2022 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , ,