Doug Ford calls for tariffs on Chinese EVs, an unknown group funds BC attack ads, and Bill C-59 reduces advertising transparency from companies. Also, Trudeau racks up a $223k catering bill on the Indo-Pacific trip.

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“It might be tough to connect with the middle class while chowing down on lamb shanks served on fine China and billing taxpayers for it. You shouldn’t need a focus group to recommend telling the prime minister to turn down the baked cheesecake with pistachio brittle when Canadians are lining up around the block at the foodbank.” – Canadian Taxpayers Federation Director Franco Terrazzano on Trudeau’s $220k catering bill for the Indo-Pacific trip.

Duration: 59:24
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

Parks Canada is spending $12M to eradicate deer on a BC island, the Trudeau Liberals want to relax citizenship guidelines, and the BC United and BC Conservatives won’t be making a deal. Also, the CPP has wasted billions of dollars through poor investing.

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“During phase one of the deer cull, snipers were taken around the island in a helicopter while firing on the deer below. The expert marksmen from the U.S. and New Zealand only managed to kill 84 deer, 18 of which were the wrong species of deer. Parks Canada shouldn’t be flying in foreign snipers to shoot deer from a helicopter. And if these ‘marksmen’ were really so elite, why did they keep shooting the wrong kind of deer?” – Carson Binda with the Canadian Taxpayers Federation on the Sidney Island deer eradication operation costing $12M.

Duration: 50:26
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

May 26th 2024 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , , , ,

Speaker Greg Fergus’ impartiality is put to question, COP28 highlights the opposition to Canada’s new emissions cap, and the BC NDP finish 2023 with a divided opposition. Also, the mainstream media completely ignores the foreign interference inquiry.

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Poilievre Trudeau Fergus
“Why would you rule out anything in politics? A week can be a long time in politics. Certainly, if the United Party were to reach out and want to have a discussion about how we could bring things together, I think it’s possible. With the [BC] Conservative party, we will not compromise on our principles. We’ll not compromise on the values that we are running on. We’re willing to sit down and have a conversation. I’ve never said we wouldn’t. The challenge would be, of course, they have a very different view in terms of how the world works compared to us.” – BC Conservative Leader John Rustad on possibly working with BC United’s Kevin Falcon to defeat the NDP.

Duration: 59:35
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

December 10th 2023 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , , , ,

A couple by-elections show the challenges for BC United’s rebranding, Google is set to remove Canadian news links in search, and BC’s children’s minister faces calls to resign. Also, a senate report shows the underfunded Arctic region’s importance.

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“Canada’s armed forces are highly skilled and fiercely dedicated, but they remain below complement, under-resourced and stretched to the limit.” – Senator Tony Dean on the state of Canada’s military.

Duration: 1:00:47
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

July 2nd 2023 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , , , ,

The Freedom Convoy wasn’t a CSIS threat, Alberta makes changes to AHS, and the BC Liberals vote to change their name to BC United. Also, a confrontation between Xi Jinping and Trudeau overshadows China’s growing influence.

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“In Canada, we believe in free and open and frank dialogue and that is what we will continue to have… We will continue to look to work constructively together, but there will be things we disagree on.” – Justin Trudeau on Chinese President Xi Jinping’s reaction to their conversations being leaked.

Duration: 55:56
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

November 20th 2022 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , ,