Doug Ford calls for tariffs on Chinese EVs, an unknown group funds BC attack ads, and Bill C-59 reduces advertising transparency from companies. Also, Trudeau racks up a $223k catering bill on the Indo-Pacific trip.

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“It might be tough to connect with the middle class while chowing down on lamb shanks served on fine China and billing taxpayers for it. You shouldn’t need a focus group to recommend telling the prime minister to turn down the baked cheesecake with pistachio brittle when Canadians are lining up around the block at the foodbank.” – Canadian Taxpayers Federation Director Franco Terrazzano on Trudeau’s $220k catering bill for the Indo-Pacific trip.

Duration: 59:24
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

Bell lays off more workers and asks for more money, a recall petition starts for Calgary’s mayor Jyoti Gondek, and Selina Robinson is removed from the BC NDP’s cabinet. Also, suspicious HSBC mortgages are fuelling the real estate crisis.

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Bell: Lets Cut
“This is a radical change. With these proposed amendments, they are moving to give actual rights of First Nations governance over non-First Nations parties. That’s different than Indigenous self-government and to my knowledge, it’s the first time it has been contemplated anywhere in Canada.” – Robin Junger, a lawyer specializing in indigenous law with McMillan LLP in response to the BC government’s plan to reform the Lands Act.

Duration: 56:32
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

February 11th 2024 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , , ,

New Brunswick’s election holds lessons for BC, Alberta outlines new investment strategies, and multiple cabinet ministers are found to be ethically bankrupt. Also, a secret military operation to censor pandemic information comes to light.

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Duration: 49:42
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

September 20th 2020 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , , ,

BC government projects requiring unions inflates cost, Canadians are united against the federal government’s carbon tax, and Trudeau’s nanny receive a wage increase. Also, the full story and unanswered questions regarding the Toronto Danforth shooting.

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Duration: 50:07
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

July 30th 2018 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , , , , , ,

We look into the reasoning behind Trudeau’s trade escalations with the US, a by-election with huge ramifications in BC, and over-taxation by Edmonton council on businesses. Also, an unreported bombshell about Trudeau, what is the media not telling us?

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Duration: 45:49
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

Edmonton unemployment numbers drop but not for a good reason, Horgan’s office hypocritically deletes emails, and questions about a former ISIS executioner are called divisive by Trudeau. Also, we explore the media’s latest fascination with Stephen Harper.

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Duration: 40:57
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

Stephen Harper Photo

May 20th 2018 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , , , , , ,

Doug Ford wins a close Ontario PC race, BC’s new foreign speculation tax may affect British Columbians too, Alberta is losing $14B by not having pipelines built, and white privilege school campaigns are causing racial division instead of awareness.

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Duration: 48:11
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

Alberta’s NDP government released a fiscal update that looked rosy but is not, the BC NDP government created an electoral reform survey to sway opinion despite appearing “neutral”, and we cover Finance Minister Morneau’s continuing clash with ethics.

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Duration: 36:15
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

In Alberta clickbait dominates a headline about UCP education policy, the BC NDP flip-flop and conduct dozens of partisan appointments, the media questions the accuracy of polling, and an acquitted ISIS fan fights to stay in Canada. Should he be able to?

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Duration: 41:34
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

September 30th 2017 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , , , , , ,