ArriveCan contractors receive over $1B in federal contracts, Alberta will decentralize AHS at the end of the year, and cyberattacks threaten the BC government’s storage of information. Also, illegal border crossers can be given up to $224 per day.

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“What is particularly shocking is… nothing is being done at CBSA. On the contrary, people that admit openly that they’ve breached the basic code of conduct as civil servants are now being promoted. That’s scary.” Bloc MP Nathalie Sinclair-Desgagné on the CBSA misconduct with ArriveCan contractors.

Duration: 50:25
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

May 19th 2024 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , , ,

Jason Kenney wins a historic majority UCP government in Alberta, and his promise to turn off the taps to BC gains steam. Also, the Trudeau government finally reverses course on refugees while Trudeau is being investigated again over ethics violations.

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Duration: 58:31
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

Alberta 2019 UCP Majority

#Welcome to Canada caused illegal border crossings, John Horgan says that drivers won’t begrudge BC’s carbon tax increase, creative math skews Alberta’s fundraising numbers, and Trudeau’s BC and Fort Mac trip spreads fake news about his pipeline record.

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Duration: 44:04
Hosts: Shane and Patrick