Doug Ford calls for tariffs on Chinese EVs, an unknown group funds BC attack ads, and Bill C-59 reduces advertising transparency from companies. Also, Trudeau racks up a $223k catering bill on the Indo-Pacific trip.

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“It might be tough to connect with the middle class while chowing down on lamb shanks served on fine China and billing taxpayers for it. You shouldn’t need a focus group to recommend telling the prime minister to turn down the baked cheesecake with pistachio brittle when Canadians are lining up around the block at the foodbank.” – Canadian Taxpayers Federation Director Franco Terrazzano on Trudeau’s $220k catering bill for the Indo-Pacific trip.

Duration: 59:24
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

Court documents reveal no basis for Trudeau’s travel ban, Canada bans the importation of handguns, and fake outrage emerges over Alberta’s provincial police future. Also, while Trudeau is on vacation, there are plenty of other things to criticize him for.

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Trudeau Arrives in Costa Rica
“[The Trudeau] government’s apparent abandonment of Ukrainian embassy employees ahead of Russia’s invasion in February; its continuing abandonment of Afghans who worked for the Canadian government; its enduring and expensive fidelity to COVID-19 theatre; the lack of clarity surrounding allegations of political interference in the RCMP probe following the 2020 Nova Scotia massacre; the federal government’s failure, months later, to publicly provide persuasive evidence justifying its invocation of the Emergencies Act during the trucker convoy crisis; and Mr. Trudeau’s capitulation in returning natural gas turbines to Germany despite Russian sanctions.” – Globe and Mail columnist Robyn Urback, detailing reasons other than a vacation to be concerned with Trudeau’s government.

Duration: 57:10
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

August 7th 2022 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , ,

Bill C-11 allows the CRTC to regulate user content, Alberta NDP volunteers are demeaned, and panic buying ensues after Trudeau’s gun freeze. Also, Trudeau trolls Canadians by creating policy in response to the US.

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“Bill C-11 implies vague changes to these platforms to prioritize Canadian content to Canadians, but it would in turn deprioritize Canadian content to an international audience. The social media platforms cannot allow Canadian content to enjoy heightened exposure to Canadians without detracting exposure internationally, as it creates an uneven playing field on the platform. Less Canadian content will be shown globally as a result.” – Canadian Youtuber Justin Tomchuk, on Trudeau’s Bill C-11.

Duration: 57:52
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

June 12th 2022 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , ,

Alberta rolls back more COVID restrictions, BC’s drought conditions throw a spotlight on bottled water companies, and Trudeau ignores Alberta’s senate elections. Also, Trudeau condemns the Mailloux draft while the media ignores Trudeau’s past.

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Duration: 52:09
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

Proposed Water Bottling Plant“If we say yes to extracting some water now, what’s that going to look like 10, 20, or 100 from now? If they need water, go to the places where the water exists — don’t go to some of the driest places in BC. The ranchers need the water, the First Nations need the water, the animals need the water.” – High Bar First Nation resource manager Greg Crookes on the Clinton bottled water plant proposal.

August 1st 2021 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , , ,

The federal debt hits $1.2T with $343b spent just this past year, a tug of war arises in BC over police street checks, and a UCP bill reverts power given to unions by the NDP. Also, Trudeau and his finance minister engage in yet another ethics scandal.

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Duration: 1:00:55
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

WE Charity

July 12th 2020 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , , ,

Trudeau loses out on the UN Security Council, the Alberta Fair Deal report is released, and China charges the two Michaels with espionage. Also, Jagmeet Singh allows Trudeau to shutter Parliament, and calls anyone who disagrees with him a racist.

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Duration: 56:45
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor

June 21st 2020 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , ,

Trudeau’s government spends millions fighting veterans in court, a panel calls for more Canadian content on streaming services, and stigma surrounds the coronavirus outbreak in Canada. Also, Trudeau gives $50m to Mastercard amid a household debt crisis.

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Duration: 45:53
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

February 2nd 2020 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , , ,

The BC Coastal Gaslink pipeline undergoes more disruptions, the federal carbon tax will not save Albertans money, and Trudeau’s facial hair dominates the media. Also, we discuss the tragedy of UIA Flight 752, and the leadup to the deadly aviation disaster.

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Duration: 47:02
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

Trudeau Beard

January 12th 2020 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , , , , , ,

Misinformation in other languages distorts election messaging, Greta Thunberg visits Alberta, and Horgan’s chief of staff shreds important documents. Also, Trudeau gives Quebec control over an immigration values test, but not the other provinces.

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Duration: 43:21
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

October 20th 2019 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , , ,

Trudeau admits to at least 3 incidents of him in blackface, Andrew Scheer’s tax plan will help the working poor save more, and a tragic fatal bus crash prompts calls for rural road upgrades in BC. Also, the Liberals try to reopen the settled gun control debate.

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Duration: 1:00:38
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

September 22nd 2019 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , , ,