Kevin Falcon suspends BC United’s election campaign, Trudeau appoints more partisan Liberals to the Senate, and Liberal staffers pull support from the byelection campaigns. Also, Trudeau announces a reduction in temporary foreign workers.

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“I don’t know what metaphor to use here, whether it’s a bandwagon or whether it’s a snowball rolling downhill or what it is, but he jumped on it. John’s got a very successful, emerging, boisterous brand – the Conservative brand – without having to really do anything.” – Former BC Liberal cabinet minister Bill Bennett on the groundswell of support for the BC Conservatives.

Duration: 1:02:44
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

September 1st 2024 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , , ,

The CBC pays out huge bonuses while cutting jobs, a Victoria firefighter gets suspended for a letter to the BC Premier, and the Alberta NDP broke leadership election financing rules. Also the UN likens Canada’s TFW program to modern slavery.

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Catherine Tait
“While Canadians struggle to afford basic necessities like food and rent, CBC executives are rewarding themselves with massive bonuses despite their failing performance. End the madness. Recall the committee. Defund the CBC.” – Conservative MP Rachael Thomas on the increasing bonuses of CBC executives.

Duration: 56:15
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

August 18th 2024 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , ,