Danielle Smith takes a trip to the recent past, Canada finally replaces the army’s WW2-era sidearms, and Saskatchewan asserts its economic autonomy. Also, MPs visit Taiwan while China continues to infiltrate Canadian society.

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Taiwan Friendship Group
“Russia and China are not just looking at regime survival but regime expansion. They consider themselves to be at war with the West. They strive to destroy the social cohesion of liberal democracies and the credibility of our own institutions to ensure our model of government is seen as a failure.” – Chief of Defence Staff, Gen. Wayne Eyre on the dangers of 21st century geopolitics.

Duration: 59:52
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

October 16th 2022 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , ,

Government plans have stalled Lytton’s rebuild, the Trudeau Liberals refuse to lift the gas tax, and the Chinese state maybe interfered in the 2021 election. Also, the RCMP commissioner tried to compromise the 2020 Nova Scotia shooting investigation.

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“To rebuild to all these standards, it just didn’t fit with our community. We keep hearing that Lytton is going to be rebuilt as a model community. We don’t want to hear that anymore. We just want to go home.” – Lytton resident Denise O’Connor on the lack of progress 1 year after the Lytton wildfire.

Duration: 1:01:10
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

June 26th 2022 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , , , ,

Canada bans Huawei and ZTE from 5G networks, BC will spend $800m to replace the Royal BC Museum, and Jason Kenney will resign after a new UCP leader is chosen. Also, the media and Pierre Poilievre go to war.

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Jason Kenney Blue Truck
“There’s a small yet spirited minority of grassroot conservatives who’ve come to define their politics in solely oppositional terms. It derives from a position of perceived weakness in modern society. They see mainstream institutions (including corporations, universities, and the media) succumbing to an assertive form of progressivism and feel increasingly embattled in a culture that at times can be quite hostile to their ideas and values.” – The Hub, Editor-at-Large Sean Speer.

Duration: 1:08:01
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

David Lametti relied on fake news to invoke the Emergencies Act, a BC committee agrees to replace the RCMP, and the Winnipeg lab scandal documents are redacted. Also, the RCMP decided not to charge Trudeau with fraud because he is the Prime Minister.

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Trudeau Aga Khan
“It is unclear whether Mr. Trudeau can be prosecuted under section 121(1)(c) of the Criminal Code, since the section has a provision which allows officials to accept benefits from individuals with government dealings, provided the official has the written consent of the head of their branch of government. An investigation and prosecution under this section may not be in the public interest if it cannot be definitely determined whether or not Mr. Trudeau can simply provide consent to himself.” RCMP Corporal Michael Kiperchuk, in a briefing note to his superiors on the conclusion of his investigation into Prime Minister Trudeau’s alleged fraud during the Aga Khan scandal.

Duration: 1:06:14
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

May 1st 2022 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , , , ,

A Canadian lithium company is being bought by China, Edmonton city council struggles with transit designs, and a Victoria biologist just wants us to think about the birds. Also, millions are required to renovate 24 Sussex Drive.

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Neo Lithium
“I could probably make a passable hat using my socks but I’d much rather wear a hat.” – Liberal MP Andy Fillmore on Neo Lithium mining lithium carbonate, not lithium hydroxide, and why it’s ok for a Chinese state-owned company to buy out Neo Lithium.

Duration: 54:45
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

January 23rd 2022 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , ,

BC has completely missed the boat on public rapid tests, Brian Jean wins a UCP nomination contest in Fort McMurray, and Trudeau continues to ignore the economy and inflation. Also, we discuss foreign interference in Canada’s elections.

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Covid Rapid Test
“The response from the provincial government and the public health teams with respect to rapid antigen tests does not make a lot of sense and it also seems that the answers shift in terms of why we’re not using them. It is not very consistent.” Dr. Victor Leung, an infectious diseases physician and medical microbiologist in the Lower Mainland, on the BC government’s stance on rapid COVID tests.

Duration: 59:50
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

December 19th 2021 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , , , ,

Alberta rejects permanent summer time and equalization, Margaret Trudeau speaks at an event by a company lobbying the government, and Saskatchewan approves of Regeneron to treat COVID. Also, we look at just how money laundering affects BC real estate.

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“A clear majority of Albertans have sent a powerful, democratic message: They want a fair deal in the federation. These results have given Alberta’s government a powerful mandate to secure changes to equalization and other federal transfers that have treated Albertans unfairly for so long. Our message is clear: Ottawa must respect Alberta and the huge role we play in Canada’s economic prosperity.” — Premier Jason Kenney reacting to the results of Alberta’s Equalization Referendum.

Duration: 54:06
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

October 31st 2021 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , , , ,

Alberta shows us that referendums are not just symbolic, Huawei sponsors a Chinese cultural event in BC, and we look at municipal elections in Edmonton and Calgary. Also, inflation on groceries and natural gas is here to stay.

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Huawei Event
“A lot of people in finance are learning that the most important word in the English language is ‘transitory,’…How confident are you that [this inflation] really is transitory, because if you took a poll of smart people in finance … you’d probably get 50% saying it probably is and 50% saying it probably isn’t.” – U.S. Council on Foreign Relations member Roger Altman, to Bank of Canada governor Tiff Macklem.

Duration: 1:02:26
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

October 10th 2021 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , , , ,

The BC Supreme Court lifts the injunction on Fairy Creek protestors, the Two Michaels return to Canada, and the BC government misleads us on hospital stats. Also, Trudeau spends the first National Day of Truth and Reconciliation at the beach in Tofino.

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Prime Ministerial
“So now Justin is saying he made a few calls on his way to the beach. Can you imagine any Prime Minister sending out a tweet to explain that he spent Remembrance Day at the beach but called some veterans on his way? This wasn’t meant to be a day off Justin.” – NDP MP Charlie Angus on Justin Trudeau’s trip to the beach.

Duration: 1:02:47
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

October 3rd 2021 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , ,

Alberta implements a ‘restriction exemption program’, the BC government isn’t overseeing the safety of 1900 dams in the province, and General Vance can’t face justice because he’s too highly ranked. Also, China’s influence in our elections continues.

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Peace Canyon Dam
“Why is it that our only national Level 4 lab does not work through proper security protocols and actively monitor what was going on there, given the consequences of going astray? The fact that we have failed to properly vet scientists who go in there is mind-boggling.” – Retired lieutenant-general Michael Day on the lack of PHAC security measures in place at the National Microbiology Lab in Winnipeg.

Duration: 1:09:24
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

September 18th 2021 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , , ,