Another Trudeau cabinet minister has a conflict of interest, the BC NDP wants to recriminalize drugs in public spaces, and the UCP looks to expand train service. Also, anti-Israel encampments spring up at Canadian universities.

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“I’ve watched in horror what is happening at Columbia University, where it seemed that university administrations were incapable of acting when their codes of conduct were being violated and where other students were denied the right to feel safe on campuses. Having peaceful demonstrations is a protected Charter right in Canada, but setting up encampments on college campuses is a violation of pretty much every code of conduct, including that of McGill University.” – Liberal MP Anthony Housefather on the anti-Israel encampment at McGill.

Duration: 54:43
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

May 5th 2024 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , ,

A majority of Canada’s premiers align against Trudeau’s carbon tax, BC sees open drug use in hospitals, and Edmonton’s rolling blackouts show Alberta’s energy vulnerabilities. Also, MP Han Dong’s testimony shows the extent of Chinese foreign interference.

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“I was deeply troubled that I was exposed and the government doesn’t seem to care. And now I have learned they knew all about it. It is almost like I was drowning, and they were watching. In my view the buck stops with the Prime Minister. He let me down.” – Former Conservative MP Kenny Chiu on the foreign interference from China that caused him to lose his seat.

Duration: 55:49
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

Alberta and BC show differing approaches to the drug crisis and public safety, and the federal government removes GST on rental starts and considers a grocery tax. Also, the Trudeau government gives subsidies to cricket farmers.

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Cricket Dinner by MidJourney
“I grew up eating crickets in my porridge as a kid because they bring so much protein.” – Liberal MP for London West Arielle Kayabaga on the feasibility of cricket farming in Canada.

Duration: 46:12
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

September 17th 2023 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , ,

We compare the US and Canadian response to Chinese police stations, the public sector goes on strike, and Alberta’s addictions treatment plan gets misconstrued. Also, Trudeau’s former industry minister Navdeep Bains is hired by Rogers.

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“It certainly looks like the Liberals are in the pockets of telecom giants, getting gravy jobs as their executives, instead of defending Canadians who are already paying a fortune for cell and internet bills. It’s incredibly concerning when major telecom company Rogers hires not only a former Liberal cabinet minister but the architect of Canada’s current telecom policy which allows telecom providers to charge some of the highest cell phone costs in the world.” – NDP innovation critic Brian Masse on former industry minister Navdeep Bains joining Rogers.

Duration: 49:40
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

April 23rd 2023 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , , ,

BC’s 2023 budget returns to deficit spending, while Alberta sticks to surpluses. The media misrepresents a BC company’s controlled substance license, and we uncover more of the Chinese Communist Party’s influence in Canadian politics.

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Justin Trudeau Noodles
“One of the things we’ve seen unfortunately over the past years is a rise in anti-Asian racism linked to the pandemic, and concerns being raised around people’s loyalties. I want to make everyone understand fully: Han Dong is an outstanding member of our team, and suggestions that he is somehow not loyal to Canada should not be entertained.” – Justin Trudeau on why anti-Asian racism is the true concern this week.

Duration: 1:02:27
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

March 5th 2023 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , ,

The Supreme Court of Canada rules that life without parole is ‘cruel’, small possession of drugs is decriminalized in BC, and the Tim Hortons app invades Canadians’ privacy. Also, the Trudeau government has created 72 secret orders in council.

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“[Leading an open, transparent government] is the big promise that the prime minister made to Canadians in 2015. Seven years later, that promise has melted like snow in the sun. The prime minister leads the most closed, most opaque, the most censored government that we have ever seen. We have just learned of the existence of 72 secret orders-in-council. Why are the Liberals so afraid to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?” – Conservative MP Luc Berthold, during question period.

Duration: 49:35
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

June 5th 2022 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , ,

Vancouver’s mayor advocates drug decriminalization, Alberta’s first black justice minister bans police carding, and BC orders mandatory masks for all public spaces. Also, we look into Trudeau’s Great Reset that the media has labelled a conspiracy.

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Duration: 47:59
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

BC Ferries Mask

November 22nd 2020 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , ,