The Federal Court of Appeal quashes the Trans Mountain Pipeline, what does this mean for Alberta, BC, and the Canadian economy? BC also projects a surprising surplus due to the housing sector, and we go over the current state of NAFTA negotiations.

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Duration: 57:28
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

September 2nd 2018 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , ,

We talk about US Tariffs, $50B to provinces for illegal immigrant housing, and the federal government’s purchase of the Trans Mountain Pipeline, and all these impacts on the economy. Also, we discuss party platforms in the Ontario election on June 7th.

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Duration: 1:09:44
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

We review the media’s shift of the Humboldt crash to gender and race politics, and the Alberta government’s ploy to gain political points on social issues. Also, Trans Mountain spending is halted, and how the pipeline debacle affects Canadian rule of law.

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Duration: 51:05
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

Elizabeth May is accused of bullying; her party says she wouldn’t be if she were a man, the BC and Alberta governments spar over Trans Mountain, ICBC losing 1.3B will cost drivers more in insurance, and we detail the federal government’s drinking problem.

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Duration: 44:12
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

In BC, Trudeau falling into the ocean gets covered more than real news, does Kenney actually “vow repercussions” against BC on pipelines, a license plate dispute highlights being offended vs charter rights, and an update on the illegal border crossers.

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Duration: 39:25
Hosts: Shane and Patrick