The Liberals’ new online harms act includes heavy punishments, Alberta’s 2024 budget contains surprises, and the new pharmacare plan covers very little medications. Also, new documents reveal more on the Winnipeg lab scientist firings.

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“There’s a genuine fear of an escalation, then an individual or group could come forward and seek a peace bond against them and to prevent them from doing certain things. [The pre-emptive house arrest] would help to deradicalize people who are learning things online and acting out in the real world violently – sometimes fatally.” – Liberal Justice Minister Arif Virani on his government’s plan to house arrest people before they commit crimes.

Duration: 1:03:32
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

March 3rd 2024 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , ,

Trudeau and Singh reach a deal on pharmacare, BC’s budget introduces a flipping tax and lots of spending, and Danielle Smith wants to build up the Heritage fund. Also, the BC NDP wants us to stop using the term British Columbians.

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Trudeau and Singh
“The term ‘British Columbians’ is often used to reference people living in B.C. This term excludes Indigenous Peoples who may not identify with it. For many, they identify as members of their own sovereign nations and do not consider themselves part of one that has actively worked to assimilate their people.” – the BC NDP government’s writing guide on Indigenous topics.

Duration: 57:52
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

February 25th 2024 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , ,

Steven Guilbeault says the feds will stop investing in roads, the Alberta government improves the childcare system, and BC suspends the license of a company that drives into highway overpasses. Also, ArriveCan costs even more money than we thought before.

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“The astonishing part is that the company thinks that they should still be able to operate. My only hope is that on the way to court, they don’t run into a bridge. I encourage them to take the bus or some other form of public transit on the way to the courthouse.” – BC Premier David Eby on the suspended trucking company Chohan Freight Forwarders Ltd. appealing the decision by the provincial government to suspend their license after numerous highway overpass impacts.

Duration: 56:32
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

February 18th 2024 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , ,

Bell lays off more workers and asks for more money, a recall petition starts for Calgary’s mayor Jyoti Gondek, and Selina Robinson is removed from the BC NDP’s cabinet. Also, suspicious HSBC mortgages are fuelling the real estate crisis.

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Bell: Lets Cut
“This is a radical change. With these proposed amendments, they are moving to give actual rights of First Nations governance over non-First Nations parties. That’s different than Indigenous self-government and to my knowledge, it’s the first time it has been contemplated anywhere in Canada.” – Robin Junger, a lawyer specializing in indigenous law with McMillan LLP in response to the BC government’s plan to reform the Lands Act.

Duration: 56:32
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

February 11th 2024 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , , ,

Danielle Smith debuts Alberta’s parental rights policy, the BC NDP quietly makes changes to the Lands Act, and the Trudeau Liberals give $48M to UNRWA. Also, segregation is on the rise in Canadian universities.

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“This is a radical change. With these proposed amendments, they are moving to give actual rights of First Nations governance over non-First Nations parties. That’s different than Indigenous self-government and to my knowledge, it’s the first time it has been contemplated anywhere in Canada.” – Robin Junger, a lawyer specializing in indigenous law with McMillan LLP in response to the BC government’s plan to reform the Lands Act.

Duration: 1:03:07
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

February 4th 2024 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , ,

A terrorist shoots up Edmonton City Hall, car thefts spike in Canada, and a federal court judge finds the use of the Emergencies Act unjustified. Also, a paper mill closing on Vancouver Island leads to investigation into a Chinese funded forestry giant.

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“The harassment of residents, workers and business owners in downtown Ottawa and the general infringement of the right to peaceful enjoyment of public spaces there, while highly objectionable, did not amount to serious violence or threats of serious violence.” – Justice Richard Mosley on the legal assessment of the 2022 Freedom Convoy in Downtown Ottawa.

Duration: 1:07:22
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

January 28th 2024 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , , ,

Canada’s cold snap raises questions of BC Hydro’s future, Rachel Notley is stepping down as Alberta’s NDP leader, and even Liberal ministers agree that immigration is out of control. Also, an opinion piece questions Poilievre’s commitment to queer issues.

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“I’m a bit of a polarizing figure in the province.” – Outgoing Alberta NDP leader Rachel Notley on part of the reason why she is leaving.

Duration: 1:10:46
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

January 21st 2024 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , , ,

Trudeau’s Jamaica vacation causes a conflict of interest, Canada’s immigration isn’t helping the job market, and Banff’s pedestrian zone gets nixed by the National Park. Also, a Victoria theatre cancels a play set in Israel after being vandalized.

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“We thank those of you who have expressed your convictions, and we are listening. We value and respect these conversations in our community. We have been having many complex conversations about the production, its content, and its impact on the community. We are taking time to reflect on how best to move forward and will make an announcement in the new year.” – The Belfry Theatre on cancelling a play set in Israel and Gaza

Duration: 58:11
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

January 14th 2024 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , , , ,

We look at 2023’s news stories, including an Alberta election, changing BC political landscapes, and multiple crises like healthcare, housing and affordability getting worse. We also go over our favourite pictures, quotes, words and episodes of the year.

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Duration: 54:51
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

  • Alberta Story of the Year
  • BC Story of the Year
  • Most Important Story
  • Firing Line of the Year
  • Local Story of the Year
  • Story We Didn’t Get to Cover
  • Fake News Story of the Year
  • Worst Government Expense of the Year
  • Funniest Story
  • Newsmaker of the Year
  • Word of the Year
  • Favourite Western Context Episode
  • Favourite Western Context Show Title
  • Quote of the Year
  • Picture of the Year
December 31st 2023 — Words of the Week: , — Filed Under:

Canada’s population increases like never before, the CBC writes fake news about Deena Hinshaw, and the Trudeau Liberals phase out gas car sales by 2035. Also, an investigation into Yuen Pau Woo reveals our cabinet may be compromised.

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“Yes, we’ve seen some people leave the province in their inter-provincial migration but overall, the growth in population that we’ve seen in the last quarter but [also] over the last two years is history-making given that the growth is driven by people coming from outside Canada. People are coming, they see opportunity here [and] they’re coming.” – BC Housing Minister Ravi Kahlon on immigration to BC.

Duration: 54:51
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

December 24th 2023 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , ,