US tariffs could cut Canadian car production in half, a frivolous lawsuit falsely claims that the BC foreign buyer tax is racist, and the UCP supports self defense to combat rural crime. Also, the media finally reports on Trudeau’s groping hypocrisy.

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Duration: 41:10
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

We look into the reasoning behind Trudeau’s trade escalations with the US, a by-election with huge ramifications in BC, and over-taxation by Edmonton council on businesses. Also, an unreported bombshell about Trudeau, what is the media not telling us?

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Duration: 45:49
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

We talk about US Tariffs, $50B to provinces for illegal immigrant housing, and the federal government’s purchase of the Trans Mountain Pipeline, and all these impacts on the economy. Also, we discuss party platforms in the Ontario election on June 7th.

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Duration: 1:09:44
Hosts: Shane and Patrick