The Tk’emlups First Nation changes wording from mass graves to anomalies, conscription is proposed to fix Canada’s lack of patriotism, and Canada Post is losing around $1B annually. Also, Trudeau’s immigration policy is changing the future of Canada.

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“I stick with what I said. We’re tired of lawlessness from anyone. It doesn’t matter if you’re here, you’re new or whatever. It’s very, very clear. My phone is blowing up from every community saying, ‘You’re bang on’.” – Ontario Premier Doug Ford on what almost every Canadian is thinking after recent immigration strife.

Duration: 57:14
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

June 2nd 2024 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , ,

The Freedom convoy arrives in Ottawa, remains are found at another BC residential school, and the Conservatives election post mortem has been released. Also, we detail Trudeau’s broken promises on the housing crisis.

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“This journey has led our investigation team into the darkest recesses of human behaviour.” – Williams Lake First Nations Chief Willie Sellars on the search for residential school remains.

Duration: 52:36
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

January 30th 2022 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , ,

The remains of 215 indigenous children are found near the Kamloops residential school, Jason Kenney warns of the danger of erasing our history, and John Horgan lays out a modern forestry plan. Also, Canada’s first dose successes can be misleading.

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Duration: 58:56
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

Kamloops Residential School
“The critical recommendation that’s in play at Fairy Creek is consulting with the title holders. If we were to arbitrarily put deferrals in place there, that would be a return to the colonialism that we have so graphically been brought back to this week by the discovery in Kamloops.” – BC Premier John Horgan on why he won’t immediately protect old growth forests from being logged.

June 6th 2021 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , ,