David Johnson resigns as special rapporteur, the Bank of Canada hikes interest rates again, and the Five Eyes countries have a meeting about UFOs. Also, a clash of culture during Pride month shows Canada’s increasing polarization.

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David Johnston
“When I undertook the task of independent special rapporteur on foreign interference, my objective was to help build trust in our democratic institutions. I have concluded that, given the highly partisan atmosphere around my appointment and work, my leadership has had the opposite effect.” – Former Governor General David Johnston on his resignation

Duration: 50:47
Hosts: Shane and Patrick

June 11th 2023 — Word of the Week: — Filed Under: , , , , , ,
1 Comment
  • Michelle Casavant says:

    Hi, I am a patron and long time listener. I really value the perspective that the two of you provide. I would like to share some feedback regarding this episode. In your story about pride month, I believe you may not have considered fully what is Canadian culture. My family have been in Canada for at least 5 generations and neither I, nor I would wager to say, my ancestors are or would be comfortable with a celebration of pride month. I believe that all people should be respected and valued individually, regardless of race, religion or sexual orientation. That said, I do not appreciate being forced, or having my children forced to celebrate a lifestyle that exposes children to sexual content and ideas that are confusing for them as well as being inappropriate content for their ages. I believe we still have some freedoms in this country that should allow us to remove our children from being exposed to ideas that do not conform with our values. I have children in elementary and Jr high school. They are are surrounded by kids who feel pressured to identify as some LGBTQ+ group just to fit in. You can not tell me that the change in our culture has not made this happen. This was not a thing when I was a kid. This is pressure and stress that kids should not have to deal with when going through this life change. And they should not be making decisions about using hormorne blockers and removing body parts to conform to peer pressure. Dyed hair grows back, cancer or early onset osteo from hormone blockers can’t be reversed.

    I don’t think that celebrating pride (the deadliest of all sins), would be an ideal that our ancestors who formed this country would have aspired to. And a lot of us in this country still feel that way.

    You may not agree with me, but I don’t think it’s very loving to lead kids into this lifestyle. We should totally love them as they are and where they are at. But we should not promote a month that glorifies sexual confusion and removing parental rights.

    Respectfully yours,

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